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Although our roots are firmly based with the Sinclair QL, we supply a wide range of second hand and original software and hardware, for both the QL, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.

Over the past few years, we have been instrumental in getting the DivIDE Plus compact flash interface for the ZX Spectrum built, along with replacement ZX81 Keyboard Membranes, 48K ZX Spectrum keyboard membranes and ZX Spectrum faceplates.

Visit our website - for more details on what we offer.

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Commodore Amiga Game: Dog Fight by MIcroprose Commodore Amiga Game: Dog Fight by MIcroprose   £10.00 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga: Lombard RAC Rally by the Hit Squad Commodore Amiga: Lombard RAC Rally by the Hit Squad   £5.00 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga KindWords word processing software Commodore Amiga KindWords word processing software 4 days, 08h:51m:45s £2.99 Licite agora
Commodore Amiga The Works! Patinum Edition Commodore Amiga The Works! Patinum Edition 4 days, 08h:51m:45s £2.99 Licite agora
Commodore Amiga Educational Software: Fun School 4 for 5-7 year olds Commodore Amiga Educational Software: Fun School 4 for 5-7 year olds 4 days, 08h:52m:31s £1.99 Licite agora
Commodore Amiga Mega Maths by LCL Commodore Amiga Mega Maths by LCL   £8.00 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Game: Wolf Pack by Mirror Soft Commodore Amiga Game: Wolf Pack by Mirror Soft   £10.00 Compra agora!
A2000 / A500 Amiga Basic English Book A2000 / A500 Amiga Basic English Book   £1.99 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Game: UMS II Nations at War by Rainbird Commodore Amiga Game: UMS II Nations at War by Rainbird   £12.00 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Game: Microprose Golf Commodore Amiga Game: Microprose Golf   £10.00 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Program: Flexidump 2 Commodore Amiga Program: Flexidump 2   £4.50 Compra agora!
*BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A1200 Keyboard Membranes (56C774A) *BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A1200 Keyboard Membranes (56C774A)   £16.67 Compra agora!
*BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A500 / A500+ Keyboard Membranes (56 A619A and 56 A619B) *BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A500 / A500+ Keyboard Membranes (56 A619A and 56 A619B)   £20.83 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Software: Skychase by Mirror Image Commodore Amiga Software: Skychase by Mirror Image   £6.00 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Game: Mind Games by Beau-Jolly Commodore Amiga Game: Mind Games by Beau-Jolly   £2.00 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Game: Nick Faldos Championship Golf by Grandslam Video Commodore Amiga Game: Nick Faldos Championship Golf by Grandslam Video   £5.00 Compra agora!
*BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A600 Green Keyboard Membranes (56C47A / 56C471B) *BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A600 Green Keyboard Membranes (56C47A / 56C471B)   £20.83 Compra agora!
*BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A600 Blue Keyboard Membranes (NWT F-1 8770-0056) *BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A600 Blue Keyboard Membranes (NWT F-1 8770-0056)   £20.83 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Game: Action Stations! by Internecine Commodore Amiga Game: Action Stations! by Internecine   £12.00 Compra agora!
Commodore Amiga Game: Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker by Virgin Games Commodore Amiga Game: Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker by Virgin Games   £10.00 Compra agora!