Añadir a mis favoritos Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set

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Tynemouth, United Kingdom
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t***j (2)
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£40.00 ¡Cómpralo ya!
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t***j (2) £40.00 04/12/2023  02:55:05 1
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Item Number : 62022


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Precio fijo: £40.00
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This is the PCB set to build a keyboard for a Commodore PET computer or Mini PET kit.

The board is the same size and has the same mounting holes as the Chiclet keyboard on the orignal PET 2001 and is also the same width as the original Mini PET, so goes well with that. It can't be used as a direct replacement for  the 2001 due to the overlay PCB, but it can be fitted without that.

The layout is that of the Chiclet keyboard, incuding all the graphical symbols. It is electrically identical to the normal / graphics keyboard on later PETs (20 key numeric keypad). It is not compatible with the business keyboard on 80 column PETs (11 key numeric keypad).

It is also useful for bench testing Commodore PET boards due to it's small size.

This version takes 12mmx12mm tactile switches. The white ones I used to use were Omron B3F-4050, which were light touch switches that were quite nice to type on. Be ware of the cheaper black or yellow versions which can be hard to type on. It is worth spending the extra to get the light touch versions. 

The keycaps are 12mmx12mm clear caps and 10mmx10mm white buttons, often sold together. A sheet of paper is supplied with printed keycaps which can be cut out to fit into those caps, and give a very nice effect. Two copies are included in case you mess up any cuts. Also included are a few corrections. The check pattern on two of the keys on the PET Chiclet keyboard didn't actually match the font ROM, so I have correct those. Also the dot and colon were not the same colour as the other punctuation keys. The correct and original versions are supplied. 

I have not been able to locate double width versions for the space or enter keys, so they cutout is for a single 12mmx12mm cap as all the others.

The switches are installed in the base PCB, and the top PCB holds them in place, mounted with 8mm standoffs (not included). Some fettling of the holes in the overlay PCB may be necessary if the clear caps you get are larger than the ones I was using.

This auction is for the PCBs only. No switches, caps, connectors or cables (or indeed PETs or Mini PETs) are included. Parts availability is a little tricky at the moment, so make sure to check the parts list (attached below) to ensure you can source all the parts required.

See my other listings for simpler versions which use 6mmx6mm tact switches.

More information on my blog:


Galería de imágenes

  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set
  • Commodore PET Deluxe Keyboard PCB Set

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Item Location:
Tynemouth, United Kingdom
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  • Para United Kingdom :
  • First Class Post : £4.50 Por artículo inicial, £0.50 Por artículos adicionales
  • Para USA :
  • Intl Signed For : £20.00 Por artículo inicial, £5.00 Por artículos adicionales
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