Añadir a mis favoritos Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)

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R***k (14)
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R***k (14) €65.90 10/10/2024  12:46:17 1
n***h (7) €65.90 06/03/2022  11:29:05 1
s***r (4) €65.90 31/12/2021  15:45:31 1
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PositivoPositivo R***k (14) 21/10/2024  16:34:52
PositivoPositivo n***h (7) Everything worked flawlessly, highly recommended seller. 30/04/2022  07:11:49

Item Number : 61005


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Commodore 64 / 128 Diagnostic Harness + Diagnostic Cartridge (Plus) + C128 Keyboard dongle (exclusive!) 


This is a full test harness for your C64/C128 and it works on PAL&NTSC computers.

New design for easy holding 

Superior quality materials : resistors 1% ,Capacitor AVX, industrial pcb gol plated, edge connector real brand new...

What's in the box?

1) Keyboard dongle for C64 

2) Keyboard dongle for C128!Exclusive dongle very rare to find out!**

2) Serial Port dongle 

3) User port dongle 

4) Tape Port dongle 

5) Joystick port control dongle 

6) Diagnostic Cartridge PLUS (exclusive cartridge made by Axel81l) with reset button

This is a gold plated cartridge with gold finger beveling (check the picture).
Unlike the boards with the "tin" style cartridge edges, this version won't damage your cartridge port by wearing and clogging your port.
** Remember that for complete keyboard test you need a C128 keyboard dongle that is included in this listing!
I made this new type of cartridge in order to simplify the use since the classic multiroms require many jumpers, dip switches and puzzle instructions
Whit this cartridge you just have to set the DIP SWITCH!
  1. C-64 DIAGNOSTIC REV 586220
  4. C-64 DIAGNOSTIC REV 586220*
  5. C-64 DIAGNOSTIC REV 4.1.1
  6. 1541 DIAG TEST
  8. C128/128D DIAGNOSTIC REV 785260      




--> Available only with request (private message) socket DIP 28PIN  for EEPROM 27C256/27C512.

--> Color of the cable/connector may vary based on availability


Galería de imágenes

  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 128 Diagnostic Harness Diagnostic cartridge 586220 & 785260 - PREMIUM - (NEW)

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