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Añadir a mis favoritos Atari VCS / 2600 Cartridge slot interlock tab repair plate (Reversible Mod)

Games Consoles >> Atari >> VCS/2600 >> Hardware
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Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
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£2.59 ¡Cómpralo ya!
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Item Number : 63139


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Precio fijo: £2.59
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Broken cartridge interlock tabs on the Atari 2600 are a very common problem and makes some of the consoles best games unplayable on the hardware.

Makeshift solutions include screwing through the console shell or painstakingly rebuilding with super-glue and baking soda... But no more!

This small plate sits over the cartridge slot of any model of Atari 2600 that's had the tabs snapped off and can be held in place with double sided tape for a fully reversible mod.

As simple as that, all games that have the interlock system are now playable again!

The seller accepts all responsibility for this listing

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