Añadir a mis favoritos Commodore 64 PLA 906114-01 C64 C64C - CSG Eprom - ROUND PIN HEADER V2.0 (NEW)

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Item Number : 60241


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This is a 906114-01 REPLACEMENT based on EPROM version ceramic 27C512 with precision pin headers
If your Commodore C64 displays a black screen or strange characters then the problem could be the failure of the PLA U17 (MOS/CSG 906114-01)
But remember that most of the time the problem depends on the PLA but to be sure a test with the "DEAD TEST" cartridge should always be verified, because other components cause black screen / strange characters (RAM,SN74LS257,ecc)
I have made even this DEAD TEST CARD --> check my Store
TESTED and Guarantees 100% compatibility and operation with the following C64 mainboards
  • 250407 REV B
  • 250407 REV C
  • 250425
  • 250466
  • KU-14194
  • 326298
  • Succesfully tested up today on SX64 (18pcs) without any problems
  • Succesfully tested up today on Silver label (17pcs) without any problems
  • Professional & industrial PCB quality
  • Extreme layout,the smallest PLA Eprom replacement based on the Web (37.6mm x 19mm)
  • Equipped with high precision pin headers (gold) to plug on your motherboard socket U17 position. Pins  are 0.018" (0.46mm) to ensure they do not cause extra wear on your socket. Gold plated to ensure the best possible contact
  • PCB designed for double Vsupply filtering
  • Since only the PCB is available for sale (see dedicated insertion) it has been set up to mount the capacitor for CASRAM in position C2. Not needed for my PLA REPLACEMENT

Galería de imágenes

  • Commodore 64 PLA 906114-01 C64 C64C - CSG Eprom - ROUND PIN HEADER V2.0 (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 PLA 906114-01 C64 C64C - CSG Eprom - ROUND PIN HEADER V2.0 (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 PLA 906114-01 C64 C64C - CSG Eprom - ROUND PIN HEADER V2.0 (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 PLA 906114-01 C64 C64C - CSG Eprom - ROUND PIN HEADER V2.0 (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 PLA 906114-01 C64 C64C - CSG Eprom - ROUND PIN HEADER V2.0 (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 PLA 906114-01 C64 C64C - CSG Eprom - ROUND PIN HEADER V2.0 (NEW)
  • Commodore 64 PLA 906114-01 C64 C64C - CSG Eprom - ROUND PIN HEADER V2.0 (NEW)

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