Make this my favourite 2364 or 2332 ROM replacement adapter - DIY kit

Electronic parts and connectors >> EPROMs
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e***c (3)
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€9.00 Buy now!
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38 (View history)
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e***c (3) €27.00 03/02/2025  21:29:38 3
k***8 (3) €9.00 29/01/2024  06:04:34 1
H***S (19) €9.00 27/12/2023  16:23:26 1
T***x (1) €27.00 09/05/2023  08:31:43 3
F***n (3) €18.00 08/03/2022  20:22:05 2
h***e (2) €9.00 31/10/2021  10:12:01 1
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w***e (3) €45.00 25/05/2021  16:34:59 5
c***n (1) €9.00 01/03/2021  15:55:49 1
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A***o (15) €45.00 23/07/2020  23:01:27 5
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h***e (2) €45.00 07/04/2019  09:29:33 5
Feedback on this Item
PositivePositive k***8 (3) Nicely organized kit. Easy to follow instructions. Fast shipping. Would buy again! 14/02/2024  03:46:29
PositivePositive H***S (19) Ware in Ordnung, sehr schnelle Lieferung, empfehlenswert, besten Dank. 02/01/2024  20:19:09
PositivePositive T***x (1) 18/05/2023  17:09:26
PositivePositive F***n (3) Very nice PCB, 18/03/2023  15:28:57
PositivePositive m***u (2) Items were exactly as described, well made, and arrived well packed for protection. Highly recommended! 06/08/2021  03:49:12
PositivePositive T***C (2) Excellent kit, fast delivery. Thanks! 09/01/2021  15:46:43
PositivePositive j***6 (4) great seller, all right, thank you very much 23/11/2019  12:07:04
PositivePositive k***e (12) dmantione is an excellent guy! He really goes above and beyond to help his customers. A credit to sellmyretro! Will be buying more in the future! 04/11/2019  19:54:44

Item Number : 36273

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dmantione (111) User Offline

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Fixed price: €9.00
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2364 or 2332 ROM replacement adapter - DIY soldering kit

Many classic computers use 2364 or 2332 mask ROMs. No direct replacements are being manufactured to day and as a result the retro computer community has developed modern replacements. This adapter is a take on such an adapter and is based on the 28C64 / 28C256 EEPROM in PLCC form factor. The PLCC form factor allows the EEPROM to be socketed and therefore EEPROM is removable by the end user and can be easily reprogrammed by the end user with just about any EPROM programmer, including the very popular TL866. The PLCC form factor also allows through hole parts, while the adapter remains limited in size in both surface as height. The 28Cxxx EEPROMs are still being manufactured today, so availability is no problem.

The item sold here is a DYI soldering kit and sold with a Microchip AT28C64B EEPROM. All parts are through-hole components, so it is easy to solder, even if you are a novice solderer. The adapter comes with round pins, so you can plug the adapter into both normal and precision IC sockets. The adapter also comes with an instruction manual. It is shipped empty.

Required soldering experience: Super easy, suitable as your first project
Expected time to build:
(assuming some previous experience)
+/- 15 minutes


2364 mask ROMs have been used in at least the following computers:

  • Commodore VIC-20 (KERNAL and BASIC ROM)
  • Commodore 64, long boards (KERNAL and BASIC ROM)
  • Commodore 128 (character ROM)
  • Commodore 1541 floppy drive (DOS low and high ROM)
  • Acorn Atom
  • Atari 800XL
  • Atari 1050 floppy drive
  • IBM PC 5150 (U28/U29/U30/U31/U32/U33)
  • Sinclair ZX81
  • Tandy TRS-80


2332 mask ROMs have been used at least in the following computers:

  • Commodore VIC-20 (character ROM)
  • Commodore 64 (character ROM)
  • Commodore PET
  • Commodore CBM 4000/800 line
  • Sinclair ZX80
  • Synertek SYM-1
  • Tandy TRS-80
  • Texas Instruments TI99/4A


2364 ROMs have been manufactured by various manufacturers. ICs may have the following labels: 2564, 2664N, 27HC641, 9464B, 9464C, AM9264, CY7C264, G2364, M2364, MCM68764, MK36000, MM52164, MPS2364, MSM2965, NCR2364, R09464C, R2364A, R2912, S68B364, SY2364, TMM2366P, TMS4764, UM2364, UPD2364. If an IC is labeled with one of these, you can use this adapter to create a replacement.

The adapter is ideal as a spare part for situations where your old computer has a broken ROM. It is also usefull if you want to run custom ROMs, for example if you want to install JiffyDOS in your Commodore 64. Because the EEPROM can be removed and reprogrammed by the end user, you can easily reflash your old computer when you like.

If used in combination with a 28C256 EEPROM (this item comes with an AT28C64B), you can use this adapter also as a ROM switcher. The adapter has soldering points available for connecting switches.

The adapter can be used as is as a replacement for 2364 mask ROMs. For 2332 ROMs, some reconfiguration might be required in order to correctly route the CS2 line (which is by default connected to A12 just like the 2364). The adapter can be used as is to replace the 2332 character ROM in the Commodore 64. The instruction manual explains how to properly configure the adapter for 2332 applications where reconfiguration is required.

You will receive:

  • 1 * adapter PCB
  • 2 * 12 pin header, round pins
  • 1 * PLCC32 through hole socket
  • 1 * Microchip AT28C64B EEPROM
  • 1 * Instruction manual

 Would you rather prefer a pre-assembled adapter that is ready to plug in? Look here.
 Would you rather prefer bare PCBs? Look here.

Picture gallery

  • 2364 or 2332 ROM replacement adapter - DIY kit
  • 2364 or 2332 ROM replacement adapter - DIY kit
  • 2364 or 2332 ROM replacement adapter - DIY kit
  • 2364 or 2332 ROM replacement adapter - DIY kit
  • 2364 or 2332 ROM replacement adapter - DIY kit

Questions and Answers

Shipping and Payment

Item Location:
Purmerend, Netherlands
Shipping conditions:
Buyer pays shipping expenses
Shipping Costs:
  • To Netherlands :
  • First Class Post : €2.50
  • Collection in Person : FREE
  • To EU :
  • Surface Mail : €4.00
  • To Europe (Non EU) :
  • Surface Mail : €3.50
  • To Americas (Non USA) :
  • Surface Mail : €5.00
  • To Rest of World :
  • Surface Mail : €5.00
  • To USA :
  • Surface Mail : €5.00
Shipment terms:
Not specified
Payment methods:
Paypal, Bank transfer

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