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*BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A500 / A500+ Keyboard Membranes (56 A619A and 56 A619B) *BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A500 / A500+ Keyboard Membranes (56 A619A and 56 A619B)   £20.83 Buy now!
Commodore Amiga RGB Scart Cable with Genuine DB23 Connector for 500, 600, 1200, 4000, [2 METRE] Bran Commodore Amiga RGB Scart Cable with Genuine DB23 Connector for 500, 600, 1200, 4000, [2 METRE] Bran   £16.99 Buy now!
Commodore Amiga 500 600 1200 4000 RGB SCART Cable Lead Commodore Amiga 500 600 1200 4000 RGB SCART Cable Lead   £15.25 Buy now!
AMYATX ALL-IN-ONE - The Ultimate ATX Power Supply Converter for Reviving Amiga Computers AMYATX ALL-IN-ONE - The Ultimate ATX Power Supply Converter for Reviving Amiga Computers   £30.26 Buy now!
*BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A1200 Keyboard Membranes (56C774A) *BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A1200 Keyboard Membranes (56C774A)   £16.67 Buy now!
Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - PURPLE Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - PURPLE   £49.95 Buy now!
Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - RED Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - RED   £49.95 Buy now!
Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - BLACK Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - BLACK   £49.95 Buy now!
Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - WHITE Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - WHITE   £49.95 Buy now!
Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - BLUE Amiga 500+ Replica Motherboard - BLUE   £49.95 Buy now!
AMYVIDHYBRID+ A Modern Replacement for Commodore 390229-03 Amiga Video Hybrid RGB DAC AMYVIDHYBRID+ A Modern Replacement for Commodore 390229-03 Amiga Video Hybrid RGB DAC   £28.62 Buy now!
AMYAKABAT - An upgrade of a Ni-Cd Battery to a Leak-Free CR2032 Lithium AMYAKABAT - An upgrade of a Ni-Cd Battery to a Leak-Free CR2032 Lithium   £4.92 Buy now!
AMYOPTYMOUSE - A 400-dpi Amiga Optical Mouse for Precision and Performance AMYOPTYMOUSE - A 400-dpi Amiga Optical Mouse for Precision and Performance   £20.42 Buy now!
Amiga 2000 A2000 20-pin 24-pin ATX PSU Adapter & TICK Generator Amiga 2000 A2000 20-pin 24-pin ATX PSU Adapter & TICK Generator   £24.52 Buy now!
512kB Memory Expansion Amiga 500 Plus Clock RTC A501 Replacement AMY501 512kB Memory Expansion Amiga 500 Plus Clock RTC A501 Replacement AMY501   £20.50 Buy now!
AMYA500Z2 - An Amiga 500 (and Plus) Zorro II Expansion Adapter AMYA500Z2 - An Amiga 500 (and Plus) Zorro II Expansion Adapter   £40.92 Buy now!
Amigotek FF OSD Amigotek FF OSD   £47.99 Buy now!
AMYRGB2SCART - An RGB cable for Commodore Amiga Computers AMYRGB2SCART - An RGB cable for Commodore Amiga Computers   £28.70 Buy now!
*BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A600 Green Keyboard Membranes (56C47A / 56C471B) *BRAND NEW* Commodore Amiga A600 Green Keyboard Membranes (56C47A / 56C471B)   £20.83 Buy now!
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RWAP Software - Retro computer specialists
RWAP Software - Retro computer specialists

Although our roots are firmly based with the Sinclair QL, we supply a wide range of second hand and original software and hardware, for both the QL, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.

Over the past few years, we have been instrumental in getting the DivIDE Plus compact flash interface for the ZX Spectrum built, along with replacement ZX81 Keyboard Membranes, 48K ZX Spectrum keyboard membranes and ZX Spectrum faceplates.

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4 specialise in video cables, parts and accessories for many retro computer systems and games consoles; including:  Commodore Amiga, C64, Sinclair Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Sega, Atari and Nintendo.

We stock monitor leads, RGB scart cables, interface cables, replacement drive belts and components for all your favourite retro computers.

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DataServe Retro

DataServe Retro

Preserving the 8-Bit Micro since 2006

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